An update on our education program… The COVID-19 pandemic has had an effect on many of us in how we normally operate, both personally and professionally. Like no other, our education community had to adapt immediately to the virus while still meeting the community needs of our students and learning […]
A message to our members…
To our Siuslaw Watershed Community… The past few months have been filled with change and challenge. There continues to be much uncertainty, unrest and divisiveness in our communities and nation today. We wanted to take this time to address our sadness at the lives lost and changed, not just to […]
Covid-friendly Recreation
The great weather is finally here… Like many, you are probably looking for places to recreate that allow for social distancing. Luckily, getting out in the watershed is the perfect way to do just that! Here are some ideas: Kayaking/paddling… Rent a kayak in Florence or in […]
Film Streaming Event: The Beaver Believers
Offering our first online event! Join us online on Tuesday, May 26th at 7:00pm – and meet the Filmmaker after the event! Presented in Partnership with McKenzie River Trust and the Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council, we are thrilled to bring this film planned earlier this year to your homes […]
Siuslaw Institute Bid Solicitation Fivemile Bell
The Siuslaw Institute (SI) is seeking a qualified contractor to remove vegetation and regrade five acres, fill 1,000 feet of straightened stream channel, place 60 plantation trees (trees are staged onsite), decommission three miles of roads, and remove and construct one hardened dip in the valley-bottom road in the Fivemile […]
Earth Day 50th Anniversary and the Story of the Siuslaw
This week marks the 50th Anniversary of #EarthDay, a global celebration encouraging education and stewardship of the planet’s natural resources. A lot has happened in 50 years. The Siuslaw Watershed has been shaped by change. Managed and stewarded by Siuslaw tribal people for generations and into today, the watershed at […]
Public Meetings
As social distancing continues… Given executive orders from Governor Brown concerning COVID-19 and social spacing requirements, the Siuslaw Watershed Council has established temporary updated procedures for public meetings in order to protect our volunteers, public and staff. The regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting shall be held via teleconference at […]
Siuslaw Watershed Seeks New Director
“I had the privilege to lead an amazing team of folks who work tirelessly to restore our river…” — Eli Tome, SWC executive director by Chantelle Meyer After three years working in the Siuslaw region, Siuslaw Watershed Council (SWC) Executive Director Eli Tome is voyaging north to work at a […]
A Message to Our Members
In these uncertain times… At the Siuslaw Watershed Council, our primary concern is the health and well-being of our watershed – this includes staff, contractors, partners, and all members of the communities we serve. We are monitoring the developments of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and making changes to how we work […]
Public invited to provide feedback on restoration project
Contact: Lisa Romano (541)-750-7075 Public invited to provide feedback on restoration project Waldport, OR: The Forest Service is seeking public input on a proposal to restore parts of the Deadwood Creek and Lake Creek watersheds northeast of Florence, OR. Proposed by the Central Coast Ranger District of the Siuslaw National […]