A message to our members…

To our Siuslaw Watershed Community...

The past few months have been filled with change and challenge. There continues to be much uncertainty, unrest and divisiveness in our communities and nation today. We wanted to take this time to address our sadness at the lives lost and changed, not just to COVID-19, but particularly to the violence that is a manifestation of systemic racism. The Siuslaw Watershed Council recognizes that we have work to do to increase our awareness of the ways that racism exists in our work community, and to take steps to actively support anti-racist practices.

The Siuslaw Watershed Council is a diverse community comprised of individuals having many perspectives and identities.  We come from a multitude of backgrounds and experiences, with distinct needs and goals. We recognize that our society carries within it historical and deep-rooted injustices and biases. We know that to create an inclusive and vibrant community, we must understand and value both our individual differences and our common ground. The Siuslaw Watershed Council is working to develop policies that embody this commitment, and reflect the ideals we seek to uphold through our mission of sound economic, social and environmental uses of natural and human resources. Through our mission, we have always endeavored to foster mutual understanding and respect among the many parts of our whole. This includes the right of freedom of expression in non-violent exchanges, with the highest standards of conduct and decency toward all, while rejecting all manifestations of discrimination.

The Siuslaw Watershed Council was founded as a community membership organization dedicated to working together to steward the lands and waters of the Siuslaw and Coastal Lakes to benefit our communities, economy, environment and future generations. We believe that when we invest in the health of our lands and waters, we restore our connections to each other and this place we call home. Our watershed isn’t restored until we have a community that is connected, working together, helping one another, supporting one another, and listening to one another. Community is the strength of the watershed and all of our restoration efforts. We need your help and your voices. You matter to us.

We recognize that right now is a challenging time to communicate due to COVID-19. Many members of our community have had to manage unanticipated financial burdens or resolve ways to integrate their work into their home. The Council has as well. Please be patient and stand by for updates such as Strategic Planning engagement, Leadership and Board recruitment, staffing opportunities and more on our website, in your inbox and Facebook.

We invite conversations with anyone who may be interested in our organization to come to one of our monthly board meetings via Zoom, sign up for emails, join our Leadership Body or volunteer. We are also interested to hear ideas you may have for collaboration or support.

We need you to be part of the future of our organization and this watershed!

Please see links below to get involved with the Watershed Council work when the time is right for you.