Native Plant Giveaway – 2nd Round

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20th Annual Native Plant Giveaway

2nd Round

Friday, April 12, 2019

Now is the time to place your order for the second round!

Send us your requests quickly--supplies are limited and the planting season is coming to a close. We will take orders for this round only until Sunday, April 7th!

Round 2 plants will be packaged and ready to pick up from the SWC Mapleton office on Friday, April 12, at 10 a.m. If you can't make it Friday, we will leave your order labeled in front of the SWC office over the weekend but SWC staff will not be here. Orders left until Monday will be used for SWC restoration projects or given away.

Thank you Balance Restoration Nursery and Bureau of Land Management for donating the following trees and shrubs for round two!

Black twinberry, black cottonwood, common snowberry, cluster rose, Douglas spirea, Port Orford cedar, Western red cedar, Hooker's willow, Pacific willow, Scouler's willow, Sitka willow, and redosier dogwood.

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